Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The New Upstairs Downstairs...

I'm sure I'm not the only one very excited about the return of Upstairs/Downstairs. You lucky British get to see it  starting on Boxing Day! In the US, we have to wait until April.

 I loved this series when I discovered it about 10 years ago.  I've watched it several times since. I particularly liked watching the sets and costumes change over the passing years to reflect the times.  I thought of reviewing the last episodes when I started working on the 1930s Townhouse, but realized that the shows timeline ended in about 1930.

But it looks as though I've got my wish.  The new series starts off in 1936! Just where I'm setting the townhouse!  Can't wait!


  1. I for one will be watching it on boxing day, due to an illness, I have been home for a couple of months and have followed the orginal ones on daytime TV. Merry christmas

  2. It will provide you with plenty of inspiration. Can you get it on your computer perhaps? I know my children watch US versions of their favourite shows earlier than shown in UK.

  3. Hello Heather! in my blog I have a tuxedo shirt .. come and see? ah ah!
    I also wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!
    hugs, Caterina
